Standard Methods

All tests are conducted in accordance with the standard methods specified in the following, in order of precedence:

a) Standard methods for testing road construction materials (TMH1 and TMH6) and for calibration (TMH2), compiled by the Committee of State Road Authorities (CSRA) and published by the Department of Transport as part of the series Technical Methods for Highways.

b) South African Bureau of Standards specifications, test methods, codes of practice and co-ordinating specifications (abbreviated as SABS, SANS and CKS).

c) British Standards Institute Specifications (abbreviated as BS).

d) The Specifications of the American Society for Testing and Materials (abbreviated as ASTM).

e) The specifications of the American Association of State Highway and Transport Officials (abbreviated as AASHTO).

f) The standard methods of testing of the South African Bitumen and Tar Association (SABITA).

g) In addition to the above standard methods of testing, standard specifications or test methods of other bodies may also be referred to, or test methods may be described where no acceptable standard methods exist.


o Plate load testing
o Dynamic Penetrometer Super Heavy (DPSH)
o Geotechnical laboratory testing
o Determination of Young’s Rebound Modulus and Shear parameters

Soils and Gravels.

o Sieve Analysis to 0.075mm
o Particle Size Analysis to 0.002mm
o Atterberg Limits
o Mod. AASHTO Maximum Dry Density and OMC
o Procter Maximum Dry Density and OMC
o California Bearing Ratio
o In-situ field density (Nuclear and Sand-replacement)
o Dynamic Cone Penetration
o Compactabillity
o Soil Stabilisation and Modification Designs

Aggregates and Sands.

o Sieve Analysis to 0.075mm + Fineness Modules
o Flakiness Index
o Aggregate Crushing Value and 10% FACT
o Bulk Density, Relative Density and Water Absorption
o Average Least Dimension
o Sand Equivalent
o Los Angeles Abrasion
o Mill Abrasion


o Concrete Cube Compressive Strength
o Concrete Core Compressive Strength
o Concrete Core Drilling
o Concrete Mix Design

Bricks, pavers and interlocks.

o Compressive Strength of Cement and Clay Bricks
o Water Absorption of Bricks

Asphalt and Slurry.

o Binder Content and Grading of Asphalt and Slurry
o Bulk Relative Density
o Marshall Stability and Flow
o T.M.R.D. (Rice density)
o Void Content
o Immersion Index
o Water Content of Slurry mix
o ITS of Asphalt briquette
o Drilling of Asphalt Cores
o Marshall Asphalt Mix Design
o Marshall Slurry Mix Design

Bitumen and Seals.

o Texture Depth (Sand patch)
o Surface Ball Penetration
o Penetration Value of Bitumen
o Relative Density of Bitumen
o Ring and Ball Softening Point
o Ball Penetration and Resilience
o Compression Recovery
o Flow Test
o Dynamic Viscosity